We provide full service life castings for film or theatre productions, mask makers and cosplayers in our workshop in Hamilton (ON).
With a life cast an FX artist can make a replica of a part of an actor’s anatomy. They can then use the casting to create custom prosthetic makeups, accessories, severed limbs and more!
Life casting materials
We recommend using Body Double silicone for the mold. Silicone is not only more comfortable for the model, it also gives the highest quality mold with great detail. It will create a durable, reusable mold, that will yield multiple positives if needed.
However, if you’re on a budget, we can use alginate instead. An alginate mold is good for one positive of a small part of your body, like a hand or face.
We also have a selection of materials that we can run the positive in, such as stone, foam filled resin or Monster Clay. For your film production we can also use the life casting to create a silicone replica of your actor’s head or limbs, for example if they need to suffer a gruesome on-screen death.
Please note: getting your head cast means you will be enclosed inside goop-turned-solid for around an hour. We do not recommend this process for people with severe anxiety or claustrophobia.
Let us know if you have any skin issues or allergies, e.g. latex, adhesives or cats.
Life cast pricing
The price for a life cast depends on various things, like the size of the cast and the selected materials, but also facial hair and whether or not a bald cap application is needed.
Send us a message and we’ll help you pick the right materials for your needs, and send you a personal quote.

Pictures 1-3: Model Gary is covered in Body Double silicone for his life casting.
Picture 4: We create a plaster support shell over top of the silicone.
Picture 5: A peek inside the finished mold.

Pictures 6-8: The finished bust.
Picture 9: Gary with his copy of himself.